The 2022 harvest in Champagne was exceptional for more than one reason :

● An early harvest. One of the earliest ever known in Champagne, with the first grapes picked at the end of August. Undoubtedly, this is an effect of our changing climate.

● Impeccably healthy fruit. A hot and dry summer was the main reason for this.

● The abundant harvest we were hoping for. Champagne bounced back from two years of meagre harvests.

● Remarkable quality, primarily due to excellent weather all year round. The first round of tastings will, in all likelihood, confirm the exceptional character of this vintage.

The older vintners among us can compare this year to 1976, when a hot, dry summer also led to a spectacular vintage. More recently, we can look to 2018 for a comparable yield and exceptional summer weather conditions. This is good news for Champagne, and for everybody who loves to drink champagne.

Small consolation perhaps, given the events and disruption that we’re seeing in the world today. But we shouldn’t be afraid to enjoy ourselves and take the moments of happiness that come our way. Heaven knows we need them.

After all, isn’t champagne made for joy, celebration, and reconciliation ? Let’s hope that it remains so, and can be put to its best use in the near future.